Hubcapp Design

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Hubcapp is a car contact app I created for my Interactive Design class. We had to create an app for a “client” to fit their needs. My “client” wanted an app that could keep a list of contact information for people he met at car meets, as he is heavily involved in the car scene and often has trouble remembering names, cars, Instagram handles, and gamertags.

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Hubcapp allows the user to search for people within the car scene via name, car, location, or gamertag. It is a hub for all information that the user wishes to include. If you’re in the car scene, you never have to worry about keeping track of someone or their car again!

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Once our app design was complete, we were able to make prototypes to send to our phones to test out and use as if it were a real app!

Ravens Glenn Winery Re-make


For my web class, we had to redesign a local website and code it so it functions properly. I chose a little winery in West Lafayette, Ohio; I visited there this past summer and fell in love with the scenery (and the wines!). I had a ton of fun designing the site and actually grew to enjoy coding it as well! I definitely see web design in my future. Here’s a couple of the pages themselves with the layout and images that I chose to incorporate in the designs. (Disclaimer: This website was created strictly for my web class and is not the official website for Raven’s Glenn Winery.)


Seirios Protein

Logo_Design_Final-01Seirios is a brand of protein powder that benefits people of all ages with different goals, diets, and lifestyles. Seirios is meant to stand out from the other protein powders by explaining the reasons why it is clean and natural but how the brand also cares about overall health and exudes the idea of healthy mind, body, and spirit. Seirios can be consumed by anyone but is definitely recommended for those who live a more active lifestyle and need a little bit more protein in their diets. Seirios is different than the average brand of protein because it is natural, clean, vegan, and actually tastes like what it is claimed to. Seirios’ main focus is on overall health and is anti-diet so unlike every other protein brand that screams “weight loss”, Seirios understands not everyone needs/wants to lose weight and believes in overall health and not pushing the body image that society idealizes. The desired perception is to be healthy in all aspects of one’s life, clean, natural, strong, and positive. Seirios not only sells protein but a sense of positive energy and mindfulness.


Seirios is the Greek translation of “Sirius”, which is the brightest star in the night sky. We want our consumers to know that we aim to be important in their everyday lives. The celestial design theme was chosen to stand out amongst other protein brands but also to demonstrate an idea of healthy mind and spirit, rather than focusing solely on physical health. The logo design is representative of the main amino acid, glutamic acid, found in pea protein, which is the main ingredient in Seirios protein. The thinness of the lines are to represent constellation outlines and instead of having stars as the points, peas were illustrated in their place. Stars were included to dot the I’s to add more dynamic to the name but also help the name stand apart if the logo illustration was not included. The font type is more technological in appearance, to allude to science and space.


Hotel Karera Brand Identity

Design Challenge
Hotel Karera is an eco-friendly, customizable, sophisticated place for people of all ages to escape to in order to visit New Zealand. I wanted to stress the importance of luxury with a touch of natural element into the logo. Hotel Karera’s brand should exude all things smart, sustainable, and sophisticated.

Design Solution
For the logo, it was important to include elegant yet some natural colors and create a stable feeling to capture the essence of luxury. The envelope with information cards is used to explain the amenities and features that Hotel Karera has to offer and New Zealand’s national tree, the silver fern, is incorporated to provide a more natural aesthetic.  The envelope is cut to have more elegant edges and has gold accents to accentuate the idea of luxury. The cards include the same colors and fonts as the logo. The home page on the website is designed in a way that is easy to navigate and still allows one to see that nature and sophistication are at the forefront of the hotel.LogoWebsite Mockup_MG_4644_MG_4657

Icon Design

I created an assortment of icon designs in Adobe Illustrator based off of design quotes. I incorporated repeating lines in a border and added a smoky background to create a unique feel.

KTaylor Eye Final2KTaylor Swirl Final

Typeface Specimen Hiking Journal

My typeface specimen book highlights the font “Frutiger Next” by Adrian Frutiger and displays different font sizes, types, and alignments. My perfect-bound book was initially inspired by the National Parks Service, since Frutiger Next is one of the fonts used in their informative texts. From there, I narrowed it down to a particular park and was inspired by the Great Smoky Mountains, as it is one of my favorite parks to visit. Then from there, I decided to transform my book into a hiking journal that one would take with them to document wildlife found within the park. Around the type, small illustrations are found in order to replicate those found in a traditional hiking journal. The text is also laid out in different paragraphs and sections in order to mimic the journal and the information included in the book is taken from the National Parks Service website about the diversity found within the Great Smoky Mountains. All of the photographs were captured by me during one of my visits to the park and the cover is used to represent the sense of a rustic cabin, as many cabins are found in the mountains.1Cover3Ch. 19AnatomyCover Page

Video Game Poster

The Nintendo Fest poster was created in order to advertise a supposed video game tournament that would take place at a video game bar. This design incorporates my Player Won typeface that I created previously. The overall goal was to create a fun and inviting design that captured the attention of video game lovers and also adhere to an older crowd due to the nostalgic elements of older video games. The color scheme and pixelated elements were chosen to portray the classic Super Mario Bros. game for the NES. Text with more block-shaped characters fit together well with the original typeface (Player Won) and still represented a digital effect. The pipes were used to display the games that will be played at the tournament and the elements are icons created in Photoshop from the game that provide a sense of digital space. This was a self-made event and concept based on Nintendo games.Poster FinalPoster Mockup1Poster Mockup2

Player Won Typeface

“Player Won” is a typeface inspired by a classic video game controller and the cord in which it is connected. The typeface uses all capital letters, so it would be implemented in titles. “Player Won” is designed for fun environments and would most likely be used in advertising video games or posters for gaming events, such as tournaments or conventions.Poster Image2PlayerWon5